Onion Cake! Awesome!
Actually it is not really a cake but more like a pie or a quiche. Why is this special you ask? Let me tell you.
There is a yearly market in Bern which revolves around onions. For real. Interesting enough it is always on a Monday and starts around 5 am. That also means that I have never really attended the market. I pass through it because the bus that takes me to the train station usually goes through that road and does not on that day. So I have seen it but not because I went there on purpose. Why would I get up so early for a market? (they are all rather the same eh?)
So since onions are the theme of the market, the onion pies are the thing that everybody eats that day. You can buy it in a hundert different place but essentially they are all the same. It's not that I have never had something like that, but the first time that I had one one the day and because of the onion market.
It tasted very yummy indeed.
On the same day I bought "Sputnik" a Tequila flavoured Beer. I didn't have it until yesterday but I will but it in the same post because I have it both in the same picture.
I really enjoyed the taste but it wasn't much like beer. It tasted more like a soft drink. Not unpleasant though. I think I would have it again.
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