Saturday, November 27, 2010

Next please!

Hello and welcome to the newest edition of my blog.

I the last few days I have made my way all the way from Cairns down to Hervey Beach. That's 1193km in just under 6 days. You might think me a fool or just wonder why I did it in such a short time. Well there are multiple reasons and I think you will be interested to hear them. IT'S RANT TIME! And oh boy is it a long one.. I hope you have some time on your hand!

So hey Simon, how is the weather over there? Getting sunburned already? How tan are you now? Sick of the sun already? Well matter of fact I did get a pretty bad sunburn but that was about the only day that was sunny in the last 7 days. Yes you heard me right. The east coast seems to be all about rain at the moment. From what I heard it hasn't been this rainy (in November) for many years. Too bad then that most activities here are outdoors, which brings me nicely to my next complaint.

Want to go snorkeling? That's just one million Dollars please. How about diving sir? Or maybe a 2 night / 2 days sailing trip with shitty food and nothing to do than stare at the sea and wish you would have spent your money otherwise? We'll make a special price for you sir, that's just a one hundred million dollars. Want to see some crocodiles or take a picture with you hugging a scared and confused Koala? We have an ultra special price today, just for you, we just want you first born child for that. Thank you very much, next please.

You might think I might be exaggerating well maybe a little bit BUT everything here cost's a lot. LIKE REALLY A LOT. Worst thing? You can't really do anything by yourself. Most places that (according to the guidebooks) are worth seeing, are not reachable by yourself. So you you will have to book at tour. And to my wonder everybody actually does it. You might think Backpackers are on a tight budget. They allow themselves nothing, have bread or rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, drink the cheapest booze (so bad you have to slap it before you drink it) but when it comes to booking a tour they throw the money out the window. I have to admit, even I am part of this craze. Today I just booked a 1 day tour to Fraser Island. I am very excited about it cause according to everybody I meet here, it's an absolute most-see thing. What did that run me? Just a cool 180$. Now I don't know about you guys but I can't figure out the math here. They drive me around in an old Bus all day, offer me lunch, morning and afternoon tea and, oh gosh, I also get free snorkeling and kayaking (with gear they had for about 10000 years). To me that sounds like I am going to cost them about 30$ at the very most. Nice profit in that! But wait, there is more!

If the weather is going to be too bad and you won't see Nemo cause the sea is too rough and you fight against the waves to not drown instead of enjoying the reef, they usually won't tell you. I met a guy on the Greyhound Bus on the way from Airlie Beach to Hervey Bay. He told me an amusing story. Last week he went on a boat trip around the Whitsundays (which seems to be the best thing since the invention of the orgasm). The waves were around 4 – 6 meters high, they sky cloudy and the rain so bad that they were all soaked to the bones. Of the 36 guests on board, 32 got seasick. They ran out of barf bags by 1 pm (the tour lasting until 4 pm). That average must be higher than the world famous Nasa “Vomit Comet”. Wow that sure sounds like a lot of fun. I don't know what these people paid to feel shitty for a day but from what I gather it must have been at least 150$.

Are you done yet Simon? Nooooooo I am just getting warm here. I don't feel like spending a gazillion dollars today, so again, I am doomed to do nothing in a boring little town and I have plenty of time to tell you guys some more!

I was talking about the the Greyhound Bus just a few lines up. I don't have an issue with the bus itself (well it would be nice to be allowed to eat and drink on the bus if your going to be stuck on it for 12hours, but so what). There is a very nice observation you can make once you hop on the bus. Now remember, this is the main public transport up and down the Australian east coast. The buses are usually at least ¾ full and 99.5% of the people on board are Backpackers. Sometimes it really feels like Cairns – Sydney is one big Club Med for backpackers. I long for the days when I found myself in some unknown city in Japan or Korea and no other tourist, let alone backpacker for 100km. But it gets worse. I swear at least 70% of the backpackers are German. It feels like Germany must be empty. Has anybody actually checked if there is still somebody there?

Now don't get me wrong, I like the Germans and it's cool to be able to speak German again after a long while of just English or whatever I pretended was the local language. But for the love of god, I would like to meet people from all over the world and not “just” another guy/girl from Germany. And oh yeah, if they are not German they are English!

These Backpackers are a weird bunch too. Most of them come here on a working holiday visa. Sounds like a good Idea to me. Surf all day, work in a Bar at night and get laid by some random chick at the end of the night, very tempting indeed! The thing is, all the good, more or less easy jobs are taken by pretty girls. So what is there left for the average Backpacker? Working on a farm for instance, or working in construction is another popular choice. Does working for 8h – 12h in the blazing sun or bone soaking rain sound like fun to you? Sure doesn't to me. I really wonder why they don't just stay at home for a year longer before they visit Australia and save up more money at a much more comfortable job, that usually pays way better than what they get over here.

In my dorm at the hostel in Cairns there were 3 guys staying with me. I swear I never saw them during the day. When I went to bed though, 2 were very sound asleep cause they had an exhausting day at work and needed to get up early again next day and the third one just got ready to do the night shift (midnight – 4 am) of washing dishes at the popular bar. That much fun guys? Really? I know it sounds a bit cocky because I have to admit I seem to have a tiny bit more on the side than the average Backpacker (I am also at least 5 years older than the average backpacker), but then again, why won't you just save up a bit longer and then just enjoy your stay in Australia? Seriously, I don't get it!

And then you turn around and go fuck with my head. Everybody is on a tight budget and nobody has any money to spare but everybody and I mean EVERYBODY wants to go Sydney for new year. Yeah at first this sounds like a great Idea. I get it, because it's the first major city in the world that welcomes the new year, we always see these beautiful pictures of the fireworks over the Harbour bridge. And it seems it's THE place to be for new year while your staying in Australia. BUT DUDE, have you checked the prices? Well, assuming you'll be so lucky to still find a place this time of the year. I thought about going there when I planned my trip early this year and even then there were like 2 rooms left for way way way to much money AND on top of that you can't just book 2 or 3 nights... nooooooo sir.. if they milk you here, the do it properly. In most cases you have to book around 10 days!

Hey I could go on about the world famous Goon or drinking games or at least another 10 topics, but you probably haven't even read this far.

So there you have it, essentially the Australian east coast is an expensive, boring, always rainy Disney land for backpackers and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! I'm having a great time and I recommend everybody to come and see for themselves. Just make sure you bring enough money!

Due to heavy rainfall there are not many pics since the last post but I do have a few. Consider them your reward for reading all that.

Parties are wild, awesome and a many in OZ!
Best dorms ever, little huts in the "forest" --> Airlie Beach
Love the "run-down-forgotten-seaside-resort" feel
preeeettty colours
One of the few sunny moments in Airlie Beach. The next rain fall was just around the corner.
12h on the bus is annoying but much better than on a plane.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hi all

I greet you all from the wonderful city of cairns. Life up here is beautiful.

I got here on monday 10 minutes before a thing called "mad monday" started. It's essentialy a pub crawl organized by the hostel. And it really is mad! I had so much fun. Within an hour I knew everybody that stays at the Hostel and I ended the night with a smilie cut into my tshirt. I would call that a successful night. I have to admit, this is the best Hostel I stayed at on my trip. It's more a big family than a bunch of strangers. There might be hostels that are cleaner and have better facilities but you can't beat atmosphere! Mad monday was that good, that I decided to extend my stay here. I know your craving pictures from that night and I have to dissapoint you. I left my camera at home and the pictures the hostel took are not yet online. I might post them at a later point.

What else did I do? I took a historic train ride to Kuranda. This takes you on a very scenic ride through the rainforst. It was quite nice and the village Kuranda was good too but the best was the Skyrail which took my back to the starting point over the canopy of the rainforst. The sights and sounds were just stunning. I'm not sure but I think those 45min are the best 45min I have ever spent on a Skyrail (Gondelbahn).

On friday I went snorkling at the great barrier reef. That was just absolutly stunning. Again no pictures. They wanted an extra 45 Dollar for an underwater camera and I just decided I would enjoy the moment and not worry about pictures. Two best things that day? A massive sunburn and seeing Nemo. No sharks, dolphins or turtels but the trip was def. worth the trip.

What did I do between those trips? Not all that much to be honest. I had alot of beer, smoked too much and had plenty of fun times with new friends at the hostel. And I enjoyed every moment of. So much I was thinking about staying here for a month or so and just enjoy life but there is so much to see. So no, I will go on.

On tuesday I will start my way down south. First major stop will be the whitsunday Islands.

After an "alright" stay in Sydney I have finally "landed" in Australia. I'm having a blast again.
I think the pictures show just that.

Nights at the hostel. Here, you don't stay for yourself. You mix with the world.
On the way to Kuranda.
On the way to Kuranda
The historic train on a most spectacular bridge.
The view of the coast from the train.
The trainstation in Kuranda. Kuranda is a bit like Disneyland.. minus the rides.
A Plane wreck in Kuranda... I could tell you an awesome story how it crashed here in the second world war etc. or I could just tell you the truth that it was put here just to look cool.
Paid 17 bloody dollars just to take a few pictures of butterflies.. but I think I got some awesome shots!
On the Skyrail above the Rainforst.
Nights at the Asylum in Cairns. Honestly, if you ever come here, stay at this hostel. You will remember your stay forever.
Dramatic picture taken when going out to the reef.
Hope you enjoyed the post. I wish you all just the best and enjoy life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eight days down under

Welcome back to my blog!

So eight days. What have I been up to? I kinda enjoyed beeing back in Sydney but it wasn't all that exciting because, well, I have been here before. Everywhere I went I saw something I still remembered. It was nice though to meet Connay again. I met her here back in 2008 when I was in Sydney for the first time.

The only significant things worth mentioning are the following: Thursday I went on a pub crawl with the OZ Party Bus. That was a blast. I am not one that drinks and drinks and drinks but those few hours were really fun. The people were just absolutly crazy!

The second thing is the size of the Hostel in Sydney. It was huuuuuuuge. I didn't like it. Why? It just wasn't personal enough. I think it is far easier to get in contact with people if the hostel is smaller. I met a few nice people but those were mainly one's that stayed in my room. I was rather suprised though that in a 10 bed dorm I didnt have a single person that snored.

I got to Cairns last night and there is already lots to tell but this I will keep for the next blog entry. Just enjoy the pictures for now. I think I am slowly getting the hang of my new cam.

Opera House. How could I not post a picture of this?
Skyline of Sydney. Really like the City but after exploring many places I have never been before, it was a bit underwhelming.
Not much to add here.
The bus that took us from bar to bar on my most fun night out in Sydney
Newtown is one of the places I haven't been before. Got some nice street art there.
Con and Simon
Sorry for the boring blog entry this time around.. I'll do a better job next time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good times!

I miss Seoul! Let me explain....

.....the single most uplifting 2 1/2 hours of my life....
..never have I made so many people smile and feel good in such a short time...
.... great people, great food....
....some Soju was involved....
... more good times with more good people...
...what more must I say?...
... happy, fun, interesting people all around.. many great new friends...

... and of course dancing was also involved.....

... need I say more? It was hard to leave. But then again, who knows what this small Island called Australia will bring? Remember and don't forget, but don't look back. Look ahead to the horizon and see what else will come to be.

Worry not though my friends, I will be back and that is a promise!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sydney or shitty Wifi!

Hi all

Bad news!
Getting access to wireless internet here really sucks. Either it's really expensive or the connection is more than shitty. Due to this it might not be able to do a proper Blog post until I leave for Cairns next monday. AND who knows how the connection is up there?

In other news: I have an australian sim card (and naturally number) now. I will only use my swiss sim very seldom. If you want to contact me on my phone, send me an email or msg on facebook and I will let you know what number I have.
@ my family: I have sent a message to my brothers and sister and let them know what my number is, if you need to get in contact with me, ask them for the number (get them to check the facebook account).

On a side note:


What the fuck is wrong with me? First I hate Korea, then I start kinda liking it. Then I hate it again and that goes on for some time and then I have to leave and suddenly I don't want to leave. How fucked up do I have to be? And guess what, I would like to go back to Seoul. If you told me that 2 weeks ago I would have thought you crazy.

I guess it's all due to the bloody awesome people I met there in the last few days before I left. Again my friends: Thanks for everything! Miss going out with you and getting drunk after 3 shots of Soju. You lot fucking rock! Please do visit me in Switzerland!

I'm out

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sightseeing aka testing new camera

Yes, it's another post already.

As mentioned yesterday, I took my cam for test drive today. As it happens I really felt like I had some catching up to do with sightseeing. So for 7h today I was out and about and did just about everything from castles to historic parts of the city to the radio tower (aka Seoul N Tower).

I must admit i still had some doubts last night if the camera really was it's money worth. After beeing in the "field" for about 7h hours and just about 200 pics later, I am convinced that it was the right move. I still have some trouble with all the options the camera offers but I think I made a good step forward today. Just looking through the pictures I took today demonstrates (at least to me) what step upward the upgrae represents. Love my new baby, going to snuggle with her before going to sleep tonight.

On a totally different note; Just a few more days until I leave Korea for Australia. The next few days are packed with meeting people and fun events. Tomorrow for instance I will attend a "free hug" event. I am very excited about that. Only thing to do now is to make a sign and I am ready to go.
I will stay in Sydney for a week and then fly to Cairns from where I will make my way down to Sydney again. I will then continue on to Melbourne and cross some water to Tasmania. I am REALLY excited about Tasmania. Can't wait to get there! Expect some mindblowing pictures in about 2 months time.

Again on a totally different note; There is always a few weird things about a country that you only notice when your a foreigner. Like the excessive drinking in Scandinavia or the unaturally high pitched voices of the girls in Japan. Now there is something here that I really don't get.. this might get a bit gross so if you just ate or plan to eat soon, skip this ;)... Dear Koreans, Toiletpaper is designed to be flushed down the toilet. I just don't get it why your not supposed to do so in Korea. Can somebody please explain that to me?? Why are you telling me to through it in a bin beside the toilet? that's just plain gross!

Last thing I want to mention before I leave you all with the pictures. I WANT TO MARRY AN ASIAN GIRL.... well, you might wonder; but WHY Simon? You foolish boy, what's this silliness? There is one simple reason; asian babies are the cutest (!CUTEST!) thing since this dirt ball called Earth came into existence. Oh you should see them! They are so cute no word can do them justice. It's glorious!

And that's all I have to say today.. enjoy the new and improved pictures:

Hemingway is making his comeback in style.
You might think taking pictures through a window without reflections should be do-able, well obviously I need to work on that.
Best view EVER, while taking a leak.
I dearly hope that is fog and not smog!
Couples hang locks here to make sure their love lasts forever.. I wonder how many of these are still together?
Liebe rostet nicht? hmmmm
hope you enjoyed this post. Next one will probably be from Sydney. Have an awesome Weekend!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I got you babe....

... no I am not talking about a girl. I am talking about my new camera!

I started travelling with my old faithfull Canon Ixus 860i point-and-shoot digicam and she has done an excellent job. The longer I was on my trip, the more frustrated I became though. I use the manual settings on a regular basis to "pimp" my pics and the settings/options I have on the Ixus just didn't cut it anymore. Also the "shutter lag" is dreadful. I was longing for more.

What held me back until now? well mainly two things; first the additional weight I have to carry around (plus maybe an extra bag just for the cam) and secondly the price.

I gave in to my longing though and have just bought myself an Canon EOS 450D or Kiss X2 how this japanese version is called. I just realized that I will go to so many places that I might never seen again and it's worth having pictures of those places that satisfy me. I know just having a bigger/more expensive cam doesn't mean I can take better pictures BUT I think I can say that I have quite an eye for taking pictures and the new cam will help me get the result I crave.

To start with I have a "normal" 18-55mm EFS lens. I thought about getting a wide angle lens because due to travelling, landscapes is the thing I take pictures of most of the time. I wasn't ready to spend some more money though (just yet) and the 18-55mm gives me good flexibilty to start getting to know the cam.

As soon as the Battery is charged I will take this baby for a test spin around Seoul and you guys will get a full blog post in the next couple of days with all new and shiny pictures.

stay healty

Ps: Congratulations to Nadine who just became a mom yesterday. Wish you guys all the best!