Monday, November 18, 2013

165/356: Attempting A 1000 Piece Puzzle In A Day

Another suggestion from couchsurfing this last sunday.

Somebody sent me the idea that I could attempt a 1000 piece puzzle in a single day. I was instantly all for it, under the condition that she would help me and pick the most outrageous puzzle she could find. She agreed and so we sat down with the task at hand.

I'll admit to it right away, we failed. After 8.5 hours we had managed 582 pieces (yes I counted). I never knew how time flies once you commit to a little project like this. I also underestimated how much time is needed to solve a puzzle with a thousand pieces. Although we didn't manage to hit the goal, I am certain that this was the first time that I invested so much time for a puzzle.

Now I have a half finished puzzle sitting on my office desk that I need to finish before I can put my monitor and keyboard back on it. So there is no way around it, I need to finish it asap. I already managed some more pieces today. The goals is to finish it latest by next Sunday. Wish me luck.

 Look at that magnificent puzzle. Couldn't have wished for more.

 After about an hour we had all the edges

 I think this was after about six hours

This was what it looked like when we finished for the day... after eight and a half hours we just weren't seeing anything anymore. It was time to call it a day and head out for a pizza.

More adventures to follow!

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