Saturday, September 14, 2013

100/356: Leaving A Review

Day 100. 

Time for a little review I think. Some days it was hard to find something new, some days it was not so exciting. Other days it really challenged my comfort zone any yet other times it got me to do really exciting stuff. 

All in all I am really happy how my project is turning out. I think I have done many things that I would not have done or not for quite some time, if not for this. I feel like I am more open to new things in general. Since I got into the groove of choosing new things, I pick different things at the supermarket all the time. It might seem like a little change but before I usually stuck with the things I knew. 
Also when I get asked to go on a little adventure or go somewhere, I am now more open to it. One hundred days ago I would always find a reason to tell myself to do not something or to go somewhere just because I didn't feel like it. Now I am looking for those actively opportunities. Of course I still have moments where I fall into my old patterns but on the one hand I still have over two thirds of a year to go and on the other, just falling deep into your comfort zone isn't all that wrong all the time. 

So to keep with the review theme, that's exactly what I did yesterday. 

I have been a regular costumer on Amazon for a few years but never bothered to leave a review for any of the books I bought. As a matter of fact, I have never left a review for anyhting, anywhere. Yesterday when looking for something to do that did not involve food or drink, I decided to leave a review for the book that I use most often. Of course it is an eBook with Japanese recipes. There, now I got food involved again. 

It is my most used source for Japanese recipes. I also use the internet a lot but I keep coming back to this little gem. The recipes are easy to make, well described and authentic. The last point is probably the most important to me. I loved the food over in Japan but had a really hard time finding authentic food at a fair price in Europe. So of course making it myself was the next logical step. This eBook really helped me. 

Leaving the review in itself wasn't a big deal. It was easy and fast to do. I still think it's pretty significant that it took me so long to do. I have bought some pretty awesome books over the years. I doubt that it will become a regular thing though. We will see.

On to the next 100 days. 

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