Sunday, March 2, 2014

266/356: Improv Comedy Kitchen @ Ono

This was an interesting one.

Last Wednesday I went to see my first improvisation comedy show. The show as held at Ono here in Bern. I have never been in Ono so it was also very nice to see that place but of course the main attraction was the show.

I have never seen anything of the kind so I was very interested to see how it would turn out. I was a bit skeptic because my humor is a bit special. I was trying to keep an open mind though.

The show was narrated by an american guy while three others, an English, an American and and a Swiss actually did the improvisation. So essentially the narrator gave them little games or tasks to do. For example he asked the crowd to give him a place, a profession and a set of mind and then the others had to improvise a little sketch with that info. Or during the break each visitor wrote a a little sentence on a piece of paper and then they had to weave a story with those sentences. It went on and on like this and I would guess there were about 15 "segments" like that.

All in all I enjoyed the experience. Not everything was so funny to me though. If you asked me if I would see these guys again, I would probably say no. It was their first show in this constellation and you could really tell that they don't have much chemistry in between themselves yet. I did like it good enough though that I might try something similar some other time.

I really liked Ono though and since there are many culture events going on there, I think I will back there soonish.

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