Monday, March 10, 2014

271/272/273/274//356: Four In One

I am catching up some more with four days in one past.

Over the last week, new foods and drink dominated again. Don't even have an excuse for it.

 Started Monday with these little chocolate balls of delight. It's a new Ragusa product and I have always liked Ragusa so I thought it might be a quick win. I was not dissapointed. These things are delicious. But then, whenever there is chocolate involved, how can that go wrong anyhow?

 Tuesday I tried a beer called "Cobra". The name is flashy but didn't take away anything from the taste. It was good any I enjoyed it. But it is not a micro brewery beer. I have been spoiled a bit with the different kinds of beers I had the pleasure of sampling over the last few months.

 On Wednesday I tried Pepsi Twist. It was umm, a tiny bit lemony. Not really sure if it deserves such a fancy name and bottle to set it apart from the normal Pepsi. Grab a Pepsi, but a slice of lemon in it and you probably have exactly the same.
Thursday I had two new things. This tonic called "Gents" (how could I not go for it?) and the energy bar made with "Dinkel". Umm I have to admit I did not find a translation for that word. Maybe help me out? It is supposed to be really healthy. Don't know about that but the bar tasted healthy. With that I mean it was slightly pleasant but not so much that you would feel like you are eating something really unhealthy.. and well all know that the stuff that tasted really good is usually unhealthy.

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