Friday, January 31, 2014

236/356: Dungeons And Dragons

Loved this one!

Dungeons and dragons ah what a great memory from simpler times. I used to play it somewhere between 14 and 20. I always loved to play it but somehow it faded out of my life. I don't think there was a specific reason, it just happened.

Over the last few months I have been getting a bigger and bigger craving to get back into it. Mostly I blame the web comic TableTitans. And after I watched a few PAX live games I know that I wanted to get back into it. I didn't know anybody playing it so I did what I usually do in that situation. I asked around on couchsurfing. As I had hoped, I found some people to play with pretty fast.

These people never played before so before getting all the necessary stuff, I decided to get the "Redbox" starting set. It contains everything you need to play one game. After I got it, I organized a date and we got to play last sunday.

Oh it was great. Even though I was a bit rusty and we probably didn't use all the rules the right way, it was a blast. The group was successful and I think my DM premier for the first time in about ten years went pretty well. I see many things that I can improve for the next time but just the fact that everybody agreed that there would be a next time, is a win for me. I hope I can get a regular group running for games every 3-4 weeks. Maybe I can even motivate somebody else to DM after I have DM'd a campaign.

We ordered the necessary books and as soon as I am sure we have time, I will start organizing the next game date. I am already excited about it.. now I just need to come up with a good story arch.

Roll a D20.

ps: if you read this, you live near me and you are interested to join. let me know :)

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