Sunday, January 26, 2014

229/356: Beertasting: Giraf, Danish Beer

Right, I am really trying to only try new foods and drinks but I am now on day 229 and there are not many things left that I could do during a busy winter workday. Maybe I am too lazy, maybe I am too busy with my life to really think about fancy things but it seems I just can't think of too many things. I still have a few things on my list (yes I have a list) that I really want to do but they are better to do in spring. Hang in there, interesting things to come.. hopefully.

For this day I have a "Giraf". Which is a danish beer. I enjoyed it quite a bit but it is one of those standard beers that, if you didn't have it with a label on it, you probably couldn't tell it apart from any number of other beers.

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