Saturday, December 28, 2013

201/356: Alpine Museum Bern

Enough of all the food (although there is more to come in the next few posts).

Last Sunday I went to the alpine museum here in Bern. I went because I read about it in the paper a few weeks back. Because I couldn't imagine what they could display in an alpine museum and because I wanted to take a break from the food posts.

Once I got there I got told that there is a special exhibition about SAC (Schweizer Alpine Clup) so the Swiss alpine club. Or the club where all the people that like to hike meet. To be honest, it didn't sound very interesting but since I was there I thought I might as well go see it.

The museum is a lot smaller than I thought. Also at first glance, it didn't look any more interesting than I thought it would be. But actually I was wrong. They put a lot of thought into the exhibition. The SAC has huts scattered around the Swiss Alps to accommodate hikers that do multiple day trips and the exhibition was structured like you are in one of the huts.

Still, after about an hour I had seen everything and I was on my way again. It did leave me with a desire to go do a 2-3 day hike though. Maybe it will be a first for 2014. I will try to do it before this project is over. 156 days left in which I can do it.

 A Swiss flag waving in the wind (well fans) to welcome the visitors.
 hello there furry friend. In the visitors book you leave information about your last hike.

 Information is in the form of maps

 You have to build a route to the top.

 Cans of fresh mountain air.

 You could actually change the LP and play different music.

 People sleep even closer in the huts than in hostels.

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