Wednesday, December 25, 2013

198/199/200/356: Food and Drinks

I have to catch up on a few days and since this stuff is pretty standard (read boring) I decided to do three days in one post.

Yeah I said I would never taste it again, but in my defense I did buy it both in the same day and it is a different juice.. if you can call it that at all. To be fair, this one tasted a little more like fruits and not just like sugar. Still, no reason to go back to this brand of drink

Aha, another energy drink. There are so many of them out there nowadays. I don't do them often for my firsts because when I do a tasting, it is usually in the evening and during the week. So drinking an energy drink will make sure I will not be able to sleep when I have to. 

Actually I didn't invest any time to see what is in it or what it is made off. The name lets me guess that is has something to do with absinthe but really that is just a guess. It tasted a little bitter bad not in a bad way. I actually quite liked it. 

Following to drinks I picked up a sweetie grapefruit. I kid you not, it is actually called that. It is also green on the outside and bigger than a usual grapefruit. I really liked it. It tasted like a mix between a grapefruit and an orange. You should go and try one!

Size comparison with a normal sized orange.

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