Wednesday, December 4, 2013

180/356: Foxtrail Bern

It was a Sunday. It was a cold Sunday. It was a Foxtrail Sunday.

Foxtrail is a scavenger hunt you can do in a few cities in Switzerland. For example here in Bern. They are offering multiple hunts varying from 2 to 5 hours. This last Sunday I organized a couchsurfing event to do one of the short trails here in Bern.

So essential it works like this: You get a piece of paper with a few hints and on your way you go. You have to find further hints on your way until finally you arrive at your goal. Where nothing really happens. They take a picture of you thought.

I was a bit surprised by the amount of people that wanted to do it so I had to split us up into three groups of 5-6 people each. We had to start 15mins apart and didn't see each other again until the end.

It was a fun thing to do. And I would definitively recommend it, if you have a nice and warm day. We had a good time but it would have been better if the temperatures would not have been around freezing. The sole complaint that I have, is the fact that it is a bit overpriced. I am not sure if it is worth the 29.- we payed each.

 Looking at the information before we set out.

 Trying to figure out what we had to do here.. it was singing.. we sang the Swiss national hyme..

Here you had to shake your head really fast to see a number. The times I have walked past it and wondered what the blinking lights were. 

The note when you finish the path

 group 1.. cold
 group 3.. also cold
group 2.. too much fun to be cold?

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