Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Decision has been made, epicness ensues

We humans are animals of habit.

We like to keep things like they always were because that's familiar and we feel comfortable if something is familiar. It's easier that way. Change is scary, so why would you want to do it?
We go through life without giving a thought to this and when we actually have to change something every now and then, the most common reaction will be annoyance and we will go back to our old ways as soon as possible.
As example; have you ever had to use a detour while on your way to work because there was construction? How did you react? Were you overjoyed because you were going to see a new route? My guess is, it annoyed you.
Change is hard. Quitting to smoke is not just hard because you are addicted but because you have to change a habit that you probably had for years. My biggest problem after stopping to smoke was what to do while waiting for my train. Or what do I do at the Bar while having a beer?

If we always do everything the same way, don't we miss out? What if change is good? What if it would give us a new perspective? What if it would widen our horizon?

I believe change is good and for this reason I will set myself a challenge. Starting today, I will try at least one new thing every day for the next 365 days (that's a year for those counting). This blog will be my log.

These are the rules:
  1. It' can't be something I don't do. For example, not brushing my teeth in the morning (like I have not done that before..)
  2. If I miss a day for any reason, I have to start over.
  3. If somebody can prove that I have in fact done something that I thought I hadn't, I can't count it and redo that day.
  4. There is no limit to how small or big the change is. It can be something as simple as trying a new soap or as exciting as skydiving. 
Today Is Day 1/365.  I have no clue yet as what my first new experience will be. I am excited!

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