Friday, September 17, 2010

Days 71 and 72

Hi all

I am in Hiroshima and will move on to Fukuoka later in the day. Hiroshima is awesome. There is really no other way to say it. I had such a great time here.

First thing I did when I got off the Shinkansen, was, visiting the A-Dome and the Atomic Bomb Museum. That got me really really depressed. Yeah you know alot about it, you see alot about it etc. but when your actually here, it's a whole different story.

Later in the day I went to a Baseball game.. the Hiroshima Carps were playing. That was more fun than I expected. The crowd was really loud and cheering like the crowd in an europian football game would. With one difference though.. the cheering was very organised. No cheering from one team's fan's when the other ones were cheering. "Please cheer, but in an orderly fashion".

The true highlight of my visit here was Miyajima no doubt. It's the place with the shrine in the water. You'll know when you see the picture further down. Visiting that place including the walk up mt. Miten was just a spectacular experience. I just sat there staring at the shrine while the sun was going down. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

have a great day all (when you wake up)

garden in a shrine in Kyoto
Cool castle in Kyoto
R.I.P people of Hiroshima. Let this be a reminder of what can never happen again.
Baseball games are fun :))
The wild deer of Miyajima are not really wild.
Beautiful view from Mt. Misen
Looooooooooooooooooooooooove japanese food.. this is a local speciality from Hiroshima
ps: would have written more and better stuff but I was in the common room of the hostel while doing the post. ANNNDDDD there was this english girl insisting to talk to me in a constant flow eventhough I was clearly busy..

1 comment:

  1. It's so funny. When I look at your pics it just feels like home, unbelieveable.
    Funny thing is, a friend of mine is right now travelling through Japan for about a month. I see the same spots on her fotos about a week before you post 'em. You guys should run into eachother one day ^^

    Guess I can't say it enough. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy my man!
