Just a wee bit more than a Week to go before I have to leave the beautiful country of Japan. I thought It's time to publish some random "not-so-well-known" facts about Japan. These are things I have noticed during my stay here and will hopefully destroy some of the stereotypes you think of when you think about Japan. After these, I will continue (like always) to tell you about what I have been up to in these last few days since my last post.
1. Japanese are not as shy as some people would want to make you think.
2. They sure know how to party!
3. 90% of all cars are white.
4. There are actually people here that don't follow the rules.
5. Gosh, they sure like to stand in line. It's like a national sport.
6. The japanese are not as small as rumour has it.
7. Pocari Sweat tastes like Isostar (my fellow swiss know what I am talking about)
8. It's is possible to travel all over the country with about 20 words of japanese.
9. You will fall in love with this place
So now that we got that out of the way (btw. it sounded much better in my head when I was thinking about it) I will continue with the usual.
So what have I been doin; I spent a few days in Naha on the Island of Okinawa. Did I like it? Welllll, thats a yes and a no. I didn't like the fact that it is very "touristy". Also there are just too many marines. Seriously, how bad do you have to behave to make clubs and bars come up with the following rule: "If you try to pick up a japanese girl, you and the rest of the "western" guests will be thrown out of the club for the rest of the evening".
On the other hand, I loved the whole sub-tropic feel of the ISland. This is really not the Japan you have in your head. If you visit Japan you should really come down here and visit some of the beautiful small Islands. Also, I met some really nice people at my hostel. Especially my last night there aka my goodbye party was a heap of fun.
Funny how one evening can really change your opinion about a place.
I am now in Osaka, will stay here till saturday and then leave for Tokyo where I will stay until my plane leaves for Soeul on the 7th of october. Let's get on with the pictures, shall we?
stand to our opinion that they are lions!
Hemingway had a jolly good time in Naha. On a side note, I have some grand plans for this dude, more in due time.