Monday, May 12, 2014

330/365: Not Getting Fined

Oh the luck.

I was sitting in the train home from school and my ticket got checked. I gave it to the guy thinking nothing of it. He looks at the ticket, looks at me, looks at the ticket again and then starts to clear his throat. He shows me the ticket and I realize it is not what I needed. Funnily enough, I had bought it at the machine like always when I go to school. I could have sworn I entered everything correct. I must have been bloody tired.

Anyway, he then proceeded to give me a ticket so that I had payed just what I would have needed to pay if I had gotten the correct ticket. I was taken aback because I was counting on a fine and I couldn't blame anyone but me. I have never had to not pay a fine when it was in order. Phew, lucky me. I must have looked good that day ;)

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