Wednesday, June 30, 2010

First Stop: Schmerikon

Due to popular demand, expressed by my dear ex-coworkers I have decided to post more than just pics with a few words. I will try to add some funny, interesting, sad, exciting, and/or stupid stories to the blog.

For now, let me show you the view from my parents house in Schmerikon (St.Gallen/Switzerland). Made me wonder why I'm leaving this beautiful place to go see the world... but just for a few seconds.

I kinda feel like this is the first stage of my trip. Like I am already on the trip. Got rid of my appartement, just had my last day at work today and so many things already done. BUT there are still tons of things to do, like having fun at shooting my rifle for the swiss army tomorrow (SARCASM!). I'm usless at shooting and have no desire at all to do it, but the state demands it and the good swiss boy Simon answers with a loud and proud YES.. or something like that.

But too many words already, here are the pics:

btw: posting comments shows me somebody is actually reading the blog and will encourage me to update it more often...I'm just sayin...
stay awesome


  1. Hoi Simon
    Ich weiss doch dass du chli bestätigung bruchsch, drum schriib ich dir gern drii, dassis scho gläsä han und gspannt bin uf me =)
    viel spass again und mach es paar gueti interessanti bildli =)

    cheerio jim

  2. hoi simon. wie gseit, bisch abonniert ;o) ja jetz chasches no gnüsse, die stille hinder dene 7 berge... denn chunt di gross wält! also au nomal vil spass und hesch der sorg.
    cheers andy g

  3. Yo, you're movin on from Helsinki and leave your fellow readers without any info bout Helsinki?!? PFUI!!! Hahahaha, hey Simi, hope you're doin well my man! Enjoy every single fuckin second, if not for you, then for the jelous me^^
