Friday, September 3, 2010

Copenhagen prt1

Hi all.. don't let the titel confuse you.
I don't know if there actually is going to be a prt2. I have been in this great city for 7 days now and I thought it's about time I say hey again. So... Hey! I will stay here for another 4 days (not including today) If those 4 days will be worth another post or if I will say my next "hey" from Japan has to be seen.

So, whats new? Most important (!!) my tattoo is finished. if you haven't seen it yet, scroll down to the last post and talk a look. I promise you won't be dissapointed. If you are dissapointed, sorry, here have a cookie.

I am currently staying with 4 very cool guys. Actually Andreas from Roskilde hooked me up with them. I stayed a few days at a hostel because from experience I know that the first night after tattooing can be very messy. This I didn't want to do to any CS host. Let me tell you that Hostel sucked; noisy teenagers, construction work starting early in the morning and to top it all off, 3 guys in my dorm that snored. I know that it is a golden rule; If your in a male dorm (no matter where) there is always one guy that snores... but this was a wee bit much. Gosh look at me, complaining like an old man.

What have I been doing? Well this and that.. mainly alot of walking in downtown Copenhangen. Visited all the places a tourist should (expect Tivoli [yet]) including Christiania. I did walk out sober though.. quite proud of myself I have to say.

What am I up in the next few days? Heavy planning for Japan. Got my Hostel for 2 nights in Tokyo and my JR Railpass and have to figure out what to do next. Thing is, I can start planning and arranging things, but hey, what if I meet some cool people on the way and decide to travel with them for a few days?.. mmmmmm.. can't decide what to do. Yeah I know I know, you would like to have my problems.

Too much talk again.. here go the pictures:

Entrance to the "cool" Meatpacking district.

Copenhagen is great fun
Leaving Christiania. Would have loved to take some pictures of the hasch/weed on the tables but I think the guys with the scary dogs wouldn't have liked that.
Yeah a church.. took many pictures of churches on my travels so far.. this one is more than worth showing!
LIES! I checked!! (don't ask)
another shot of myself
Nyhaven, typical tourist foto
Hemingway in his natural habitat.
the torturers den aka where I sat to get my tattoo (5h in fact)
Staying with Andreas, Simon, Rane and Michael is great fun! Saturday night dinner with friends.
This is the place I am staying out.. first one that is not an appartement. Thought I should mention it.

Of course I will keep it coming..

stay humble

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