I arrived at my last destination here in Scandinavia. Thank you to all the people I met here. You made this part of my journey more than pleasant. Actually bloody awesome!!!
The Last few days I explored Denmark. This was not planned but I had some time on my hands before heading to Copenhagen. First I went up to Aarhus. There my last minute host Katharina welcomed me with open arms. She helped me out when nobody responded to my couch requests. For that I am very grateful. Aarhus is the second biggest city in Denmark but it wasn't that exciting. The bad weather didn't help much. The art museum was very good though.. Thanks to Katharina I went there.
After Aarhus I went to Roskilde. This is a small town about 30min from Copenhagen. It's known for it's open air rock festival. Why did I go there? Why not I ask you! It was a boring little place packed with tourists.. they all come for a small museum that shows 5 original Viking ships. Hemingway made me go to the museum.. honestly I don't get what the fuss is about. Just some old wood! Damn you Hemingway! 100 Kronen wasted. I did enjoy staying with Andreas and Matilde though. Andreas is a true master chef. Although both of them had plenty to do they took the time to make me feel at home. The only bad thing about staying with them... they made me feel so old :))
Also a big thank you to those two because thanks to them I got a couch in Copenhagen! More about that couch in a few days.
Right now I am up to my neck in preparation for Japan. I decided to do the south part of Japan. Start in Tokyo and head down to the Islands around Okinawa. I just don't know yet if the time I have will be enough. More thinking about this is needed.
One more thing.. getting more work on my tattoo done tomorrow.. picture me excited. Hoping we can get it finished!
As always, enjoy the following pictures! Aarhus is mainly art because I am getting VERY bored with taking pictures of houses. The pics from Roskilde are a bit of everything.
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